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Reaktionen von Musikern (international) zur CD

John Samuelson, DOC HOLLIDAY, USA                                                                                                                                                  "Hey you guys! This is John from the Doc Holliday Band! ...    The record sounds good, man! I can't wait to hear the next one! .... Take care, and keep on rockin!  -John Samuelson                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Julio Gonzales, DR. HECTOR & THE GROOVE INJECTORS, USA                                                                                                                  "Lutz thanks for the cd  GUYS YOU ARE REALLY COOKING GOOD ROCK !!!!!!!!! (..) Your music "kicks ass" as we call it. Great! (..) LOTS OF SUCCESS IN YOUR LIFE YOUR MUSIC IS GREAT Say Hiiii to the menbers of the band                                                            till next time Julio/ Dr Hector & The Groove Injectors....."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Bob Spearsman, STILLWATER, USA                                                                                                                       "I heard some of your CD a while back. Excellent! I can't get over the fact that our style of music is still extremely popular in Germany. My name is Bob Spearman and I was the keyboard player for the group Stillwater. We had two albums. One called simply Stillwater and the other was I Reserve The Right. Our one-hit wonder was the song "Mind Bender" about a talking guitar and utilized the Talk Box. I wanted to say Hi! and hope that we can stay in touch from now on. We have a Stillwater reunion each year around Christmas here in Macon, GA at a club called Whiskey River. If you stay in touch, I'll keep you posted about happenings. Myself and the bass player from Stillwater(Al Scarborough) have a band called The Wall. We do Classic Rock and have a ball   doing it. I would love for you to hear us some day. (..) Thanks for listening and keep the southern fires burning! (I got your address from Dr. Hector sight. Dru and I had a band at one time called Sneakers. It had me, Dru Lombar(Grinderswitch), and Danny Ford from Doc Holliday). Write soon and Peace be with you!                                                                                                                                            Bob Spearman, keyboards for Stillwater....Check this out "" "                                                                                            
Billy Moss, REBEL STORM, USA                                                                                                                               "I really like good as gone: that thing sounds like those guys from florida, say around 1976 or so. Real nice! ...good to hear the Nocturn C.D. will be available on gritz. That is a damn good album.You guys are top notch musicians.. I think you guys are the cream of german southern style bands.. I do own c.d.'s by flatman , nocturn , lizard...I hope your album does well. It should.."               Billy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Finn Lilleseth, DIXIE PEACH, Norwegen                                                                                                             "...I`ve got your cd and I think it`s great, thank you. It`s real southern rock so keep on rockin brothers. (..) I will link your band site up to our link site. Best regards: Finn / Dixie Peach"                                                                                                                                                
Skinny Kras, GASOLINE, Niederlande                                                                                                            "Hallo... I've got the Nocturn CD yesterday, I love it, great great musicians, I hope I will see you guys live someday ...                     keep the music alive                                                                                                                                                                                            skinny GASOLINE"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Alex Fuchs, TWO MOON                                                                                                                                          ".. und nun zu euer Scheibe: - sehr gutes musikalisches Handwerk!!!!                                                                                                                 - sehr gutes Songwriting, auch sehr eigenständig! läßt aber bei den hinteren Tracks etwas nach                                                                   (das hat man aber ja auf den meisten CDs)..die beste Nummer ist Track 1: Lady's Blues !!!! was ich sehr gut finde                                     ist, daß Ihr im Gegenteil zu so andern Southern Bands, wie auch z.B. Doc Holliday nicht so hart seid, sondern mehr                               in Richtung Allmans geht!!                                                                                                                                                                                          - gute Arrangements, manchmal aber etwas zu überbearbeitet (Sprich zu viel in einen Song reingepackt!!!)                                                - leider finde ich den Sound etwas zu dünn! Das Ganze könnte etwas mehr krachen!!!                                                                                     - Aber alles in allem ein sehr, sehr gutes Debut-Album!!! RESPEKT!!!!!!!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


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